what we did today

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


so this is brand new and so j and i have to post what happened yesterday because yesterday rocked my face off. and gave me a headache.

first off, the coolest thing ever was i paid j $2 to drink a cup of syrup in dennys. and she did it. she chugged that shit like it was vodka. i laughed. and grandma grimmaced.

secondly, we are engaged in the eternal struggle between grandma and aunt linda. little flare ups occur throughout the day, each more threatening than the last due to weariness of the troops. yesterday we witnessed water throwing and threats of milkshake hats and foots up asses. it was spectacular. not to mention a certain someone showed their ass while attempting to purchase a $4,000 necklace.

another interesting point is that our waitress dropped grandma's ribs on the floor. this was to be widely discussed throughout the day. as were the outfits to be worn at the upcoming special events.

vulgarity was rampant. all day.

we are still being interrupted with constant updates on the status of morning showers, bed making and other assorted niceties. we will keep you posted as things develop.



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